
Showing posts from April, 2019

How to Compose a Lesson Plan Professionally

Table of Contents Cover Page: ……………………………………………………….…. Table of Contents: …………………………………………………..… 1 Lesson Plan Examination : ……….………………………...……….… 2 Theme of the Lesson Plan: …………….. …………………………….. 2 Lesson Plan Structure Review: ……...………... ….………….…….… 2 Preparation of the Lesson : ………………………………...……….… 3 Objectives of the Lesson: ……………………………………………... 3 Lesson Plan Procedures: ……………………………………………... 4 Assessment Procedures: …………………………………………..….. 4 Conclusion: ………………………………………………………..…4 References: …………………………………………………….....…. 6 Appendices Appendix A (Lesson Plan): ………………………………………....… 7 Appendix B (Worksheet A): …………………………………………... 7 Appendix C (Worksheet B): …………………………………………... 7 Lesson Plan Examination Theme of the Lesson Plan: The English lesson plan under scrutiny (Appendix A) and its related worksheets (Appendices B &C)...

Introducing Second Language Acquisition by Saville


Classroom Management & Motivation

How do orderly classrooms increase learners’ motivation or/and classroom management? Explain based on your understanding of factors that contribute to motivation and classroom management Management and Motivation: It is hypothesized that, the positive relationship between teachers and learners is the main pillar for a successful learning and teaching environment. Therefore, a relationship-based discipline which is a student-centered approach to classroom management depends on teacher-student collaboration to maintain a safe, positive learning environment. That is why it said that, the more well-built, mutually respectful, personal teacher-learners relationships, the better the classroom environment. Teachers help students meet academic and behavioral expectations by emphasizing teacher empathy, unconditional positive regard, genuineness, encouragement, and trust. In such an environment, students behave not because they are afraid of punishment or because they seek a reward, bu...

The Educational Process Movement Diagram

Post Activity: Who are they? A/ Assign a title/role for each of the   individuals who are part of the educational process. Write your name (Post) and today’s date on the sheet. Submit the sheet in class . B/ WK5 Portfolio Task: Provide one-page description on your rationale for make the choices of the stakeholders This diagram, obviously, illustrates the educational process movement. All of the educational stakeholders are working harmoniously to push this process forward. The base of the process is the content standards that are the core of the process; what the learners should attain. The pillars of the process are instruction and assessment. They work side by side to keep the temple erected and their roles are interchangeable but crucial in supporting the student learning that is the ultimate goal on top of the entire educational process. The authentic force of the process has divergent resources, mainly fueled by the (1) learne...

Guided-Discovery Instruction

Write one-page response describing major aspects of what you experienced and know about guided-discovery instruction? What classroom implications this may have? It is hypothesized that, ‘A guide on the side is better than a sage on the stage’. For me, this may explain what guided discovery instruction means. A guided discovery is a constructivist  instructional design model  that combines principles from discovery learning, and sometimes, radical constructivism with principles from cognitivist instructional design theory. In guided discovery learning, learners work on their own to discover, understand and develop knowledge and experience. Nevertheless, the teacher’s role is to watch his/her learners, providing appropriate situations. That is why it requires adequate planning from the teacher’s side to increase the learners’ attainments and achievements. The teacher can successfully stimulate his/her learners by stating a series of questions or ...


Read the following scenarios (Slavin, 2009): In the first week of school, Mr. Jones tried to teach his first graders how to behave in class. He said, “When I ask a question, I want you to raise your right hand, and I’ll call on you. Can you all raise your right hands as I am doing?” Twenty hands went up. All were left hands. Because her students were getting careless about handing in their homework, Ms. Lewis decided to lay down the law to her fourth grade class. “Anyone who does not hand in all his or her homework this week will not be allowed to go on the field trip”. It happened that one girl’s mother became ill and was taken to the hospital that week. As a result of her family’s confusion and concern, the girl failed to hand in one of her homework assignments. Ms. Lewis explained to the class that she would make an exception in this case because of the girl’s mother’s illness, but the class wouldn’t hear of it ...

Piaget's Cognitive Stages of Development

There are five major perspectives to educational psychology, (cognitive, behavioral, humanistic, psychobiological, and psychodynamic), that affect education process. Reflect and explain in one page how you view them and what perspective you think is the most appropriate to education.   Major Educational Psychology Perspectives Within the last few centuries, psychologists and scientists worked hard to determine which psychological perspective and theory may affect the educational process productively. Amongst the most widely spread ones are; the cognitive perspective, the behavioral, the humanistic, psychobiological, and psychodynamic. However, my main concern is the cognitive theory as it the psychological approach that emphasizes the mental processes such as: language learning, problem solving and divergent behaviors. As Piaget assumes that the human beings think in terms of schemas. These schemas altered, enlarged and made more complicated through two complementary p...

My Philosophy:

Within my 21-year experience of teaching ESL my philosophy has been evolved. First, I am keen on being a facilitator, guide and motivator rather than an instructor. Thus, I strive to stimulate students’ critical thinking skills and intellectual growth in order to set the stage for my learners’ permanent learning experiences. My role as teacher is not merely supplying essential information, but providing the means to acquire knowledge independently and to utilize learning ideas in new situations. For me, “a guide on the side,” is fundamentally better than “a sage on the stage”. I believe that my goal of becoming an outstanding teacher is a journey rather than a destination, therefore; I do all my best to be on the right track to keep on going. I believe that having the enthusiasm to achieve my goals effectively and professionally is crucial. Developing students’ problem solving strategies, insuring students’ understanding foundational concepts and teaching students to work collabo...